Exactly one year ago, after a tough breakup, I looked up online on how to make a living for myself without actually interacting much with the world. My most recent relationship was not a great testimony to my communication skills, and I was desperate for help. Before finding my way back to Christianity, I found writing as my safe place. The activity on which I can freely express my worries, doubts, and feelings without anyone else judging me. I find that writing is very calming and relaxing, also a good way to archive your past thoughts and ideas.
It’s always interesting to look back at your past self, and say, “Huh, I would have never thought of that today,” because I was a completely different person 3 months ago, and by the grace of God, I’m here today, a new creation in Jesus Christ, plus some other positive developments.
My whole testimony would have to wait, as it is quite a wild ride, and something that I will have to carefully express so that I don’t reveal too much details about myself.
Anyways, the point is that, writing helps, a lot, and it might help you too.
It helped me to plan out things I’m going to say in company meetings, expand on ideas for my thesis, decompress from a very hard day at work, focusing on future plans like adding more income sources, etc. Through all of that process, I’ve come across lots of other similar blog posts about writing and how it can help you increase your ability to communicate in conversations, either that is through emails or just expressing ideas to someone else (or a group of people), which is always a nice-to-have skill.
To find out more about writing online, I looked up a video on YouTube, and I came across on one of my favorite productivity youtubers, that is Thomas Frank.
A short intro to Thomas, he used to create productivity videos and write blog posts about being productive in college, which was really helpful for me. But, I do not know exactly what he does now. However, I can testify that his content is top notch.
Anyways, back to the video.
I might have to better summarize its contents, but I agree on these points (funny enough, I have not watched the entire thing):
I should write freely and let my creative juices run wildly for a while
I should not write with expecting a 100% perfect output right the at the start (take a look at the point above)
After letting myself write freely, in order to properly publish it, then I could do some editing.
Also by this point of the article, I’m actually still writing freely, and I’m curious on how the final post would look like. I’m hoping to learn more and practice (and watch the video entirely) before my next post.
But this is the end of today’s post. Thank you for reading!
Have a good day, and God bless.